中外运-敦豪发展里程碑 Milestone of DHL-Sinotrans


  • DHL开始与中国对外贸易运输集团总公司合作,双方互为代理。

  • DHL signed an agency agreement with China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation (Sinotrans).


  • DHL与中外运各注资一半成立中外运-敦豪国际航空快件公司。

  • DHL-Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd. was officially established as a 50/50 joint venture between DHL and Sinotrans.


  • 英国女王伊丽莎白访华,委托DHL将一批重要外交文件先期送达北京。

  • DHL was entrusted with delivering important diplomatic documents to Beijing prior to England’s Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to China.


  • DHL承担了《邓小平画册》(海外版)运输工作,保证其及时与海外读者见面。
  • 中外运-敦豪广州、上海分公司成立。

  • DHL undertook the shipment of “Images of Deng Xiaoping (Overseas Edition)”, ensuring its availability for overseas readers.

    DHL-Sinotrans set up branch offices in Guangzhou and Shanghai.


  • 中外运-敦豪被指定为第十一届北京亚运会“独家快件公司”,并被组委会授予“特别荣誉奖”。

  • DHL-Sinotrans was designated as the “Official Express Company” of the 11th Asian Games held in Beijing, and received the “Honorary Award” from the organizing committee.


  • 中外运-敦豪成为第一届世界武术锦标赛的指定快件公司。

  • DHL-Sinotrans was designated as the “Official Express Company” of the First World Martial Arts Championship.


  • 中外运-敦豪庆祝公司成立10周年。

  • DHL-Sinotrans celebrated its 10th anniversary.


  • 中外运-敦豪员工捐款人民币50万元,支援长江、嫩江流域特大洪水的灾区人民。
  • 中外运-敦豪开通全国统一免费服务热线800-810-8000。

  • DHL-Sinotrans employees donated RMB 500,000 towards disaster relief for regions affected by the catastrophic floods in the Yangtze and Nen river basins.

    DHL-Sinotrans introduced the nation-wide toll-free service hotline 800-810-8000.


  • 中外运-敦豪网站开通。

  • DHL-Sinotrans launched its official website.


  • 中外运-敦豪成为第八届APEC会议官方指定快递服务提供商。

  • DHL-Sinotrans was designated as the “Official Express Service Provider” of the 8th informal leadership meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.


  • 中外运-敦豪推出DHL电子邮件跟踪快件服务(e-Track)。

  • DHL-Sinotrans introduced the email-based tracking service, DHL e-Track.


  • 中外运-敦豪向北京“非典”医务工作者捐赠移动电话并启动小汤山“爱心快递”。
  • DHL宣布向中国市场增加2亿美元投资。

  • DHL-Sinotrans donated mobile phones and launched its “Love Express” delivery services for the medical team deployed in Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing to help contain the SARS outbreak.

    DHL announced an additional investment of US$200 million into the Chinese market.


  • 中外运-敦豪在上海推出“DHL定时特派”服务,包括朝九特派和正午特派,“DHL空运加速”服务,“快件价值保险”服务,中国国内包裹快递和重货快递业务。
  • 中外运-敦豪成为第六届APEC中小企业技术交流暨展览会唯一指定快递服务公司。

  • DHL-Sinotrans launched DHL Time Definite services in Shanghai (including DHL Express 9:00 and DHL Express 12:00), DHL Fast Forward, Shipper’s Interest Insurance (SII), China Domestic Express and Heavyweight Services.

    DHL-Sinotrans was apointed as the “Exclusive Express Service Provider” for the 6th APEC SME Technology Conference and Fair.


  • 中外运-敦豪开通上海至美国、北京至香港的两个隔夜快递专机航线。
  • 中外运-敦豪宣布与广州新白云机场签订建立新的广州口岸作业中心协议,成为第一家进驻该机场的国际快递公司。

  • DHL-Sinotrans introduced two new direct overnight express services – one between Beijing and Hong Kong, and the other between Shanghai and the United States.

    DHL-Sinotrans announced an agreement with Guangzhou’s new Baiyun Airport to establish DHL-Sinotrans’ new Guangzhou Gateway, becoming the first international express company to be located within the new airport.


  • 中外运-敦豪携员工向江西九江三桥镇狮子村小学捐资20余万元,用于震后校园重建。
  • 中外运-敦豪被胡润百富2006“富豪之选”评为最受青睐的国际快递品牌。
  • 在中外运-敦豪成立20周年之际,DHL宣布“中国优先”战略。
  • 中外运-敦豪正式推出“定时特派进口到付”服务。
  • 中外运-敦豪成立拉萨分公司,成为首家把快递网络铺设到世界屋脊的国际快递公司。

  • DHL-Sinotrans donated RMB 200,000 to help rebuild the Sanqiao Village Elementary School, located in Shizi Town of the Jiujiang earthquake area in Jiangxi province.

    DHL-Sinotrans was chosen as The Most Preferred International Express Company in the 2006 edition of the Hurun Report research of Favourite Brands for China's Rich in 2006.

    On the occasion of DHL-Sinotrans’ 20th anniversary, DHL launched its First in China Strategy.

    DHL-Sinotrans officially introduced TDD Import Express (IMP) service.

    DHL-Sinotrans announced the setting up of a branch in Lhasa, capital of Tibet Autonomous Region.


  • DHL 在中国宣布成为NBA在亚洲的官方指定速递及物流服务公司。
  • 中外运-敦豪连续第二年荣获荷兰CRF集团地区性“中国杰出雇主”称号。
  • DHL成为国际特奥会全球合作伙伴;中外运-敦豪为2007年上海世界夏季特殊奥运会执法人员火炬跑提供大陆地区物流支持。
  • 中外运-敦豪大厦在北京亦庄经济技术开发区落成并投入使用。

  • DHL became the official express and logistics service provider for NBA in China.

    DHL-Sinotrans was named one of China’s regional top employers by the CRF Institute for the second year running.

    DHL announced a global partnership with Special Olympics International by providing logistics support for the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Shanghai 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games.

    DHL-Sinotrans celebrated the grand opening of its headquarters located at the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area.


  • 5·12汶川大地震发生后,中外运-敦豪携手DHL全球货运以及DHL供应链共同捐赠100万元人民币。
  • 中外运-敦豪正式获得由北京奥组委、北京市政府颁发的特聘证书,参与第29届奥林匹克运动会组织委员会观众呼叫中心的一线人员培训工作。
  • 中外运-敦豪当选由国内领先的专业人力资源服务机构——前程无忧评选的“2008中国最佳人力资源典范企业”。
  • 中外运-敦豪与中国儿童少年基金会共同发起为期三年的公益助学项目——“小书包,大未来·DHL爱心背包行动”。
  • DHL宣布与全球最大的电子商务平台eBay建立全新战略合作,为包括中国在内的eBay亚太区卖家提供区域内的优质快递服务。

  • DHL-Sinotrans, DHL Global Forwarding and DHL Supply Chain jointly donated up to RMB one million to the earthquake-stricken Wenchuan county of southwest China's Sichuan Province.

    DHL-Sinotrans was officially appointed by the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and the Beijing Municipal Government to support front-line staff training for the Beijing Olympic Call Center.

    DHL-Sinotrans was selected as one of the “Best Human Resource Management (HRM) Companies” by 51job, a leading integrated human resource service provider in China.

    DHL-Sinotrans, together with China Children and Teenagers’ Fund (CCTF) jointly initiated the three-year educational charity program “Small Schoolbag for a Big Future --- DHL Dream Bag Initiative”.

    DHL announced a new strategic partnership with eBay, offering sellers in Asia Pacific the option of sending goods through the region’s premier express services.


  • 中外运-敦豪正式发布了全新电子商务工具DHL网视通(DHL ProViewTM ),以进一步提升管理信息化程度和客户服务标准。
  • DHL纪念其品牌成立40周年。40年来,DHL在物流行业的各个细分领域都确立了领导者的地位,成为世界第一的海空货运、国际快递和合同物流提供商以及第二位的欧洲陆路货运提供商。
  • 德国莱比锡盖万得豪斯管弦乐团(Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra)首次访华演出。DHL作为其官方物流合作伙伴,负责乐团在华期间的所有运输需求以及整个亚洲巡演期间乐团贵重乐器的跨国运输。
  • 在《进出口经理人》杂志社与知名信息咨询公司华夏邓白氏联合推出的“2009中国外贸服务市场调查”活动中,中外运-敦豪当选“中国外贸企业最信赖的快递公司”。

  • DHL further enhanced its customer service standards with the launch of DHL ProViewTM, a web-based tool that provides customers with real time shipment tracking and monitoring.

    DHL celebrated its 40th anniversary. Over the years, the company has grown up to be a leading industry provider in the various segments: No. 1 in Air and Ocean Freight, No. 1 in International Express, No. 1 in Contract Logistics and No. 2 in European Road Freight.

    the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra of Germany visited China. As its official logistics partner, DHL handled all transportation within China and took on international logistics involving valuable musical instruments throughout the entire Asian tour.

    DHL-Sinotrans was named as “2009 Most Reliable International Trade Service Provider” in the “China International Trade Service Market Survey 2009” jointly organised by the Imp-Exp Executive Magazine and the renowned information consulting service provider Huaxia D&B.


  • DHL在上海世博会城市地球馆中展示了德国邮政敦豪的气候保护项目以及DHL的GOGREEN产品、环保交通运输技术和实现高效城市物流的新概念。
  • 中外运-敦豪荣获世界自然基金会(WWF)与中华英才网携手推出的中国首届“地球一小时绿色办公”评选活动的“绿色典范奖”。

  • DHL presented innovations in areas of sustainability and green solutions at the Shanghai World Expo 2010.

    DHL-Sinotrans received the “Green Model” accolade in China’s first “Green Office” campaign initiated by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Chinahr.com.


  • 中外运-敦豪宣布代表DHL与中国商用飞机有限责任公司(以下简称中国商飞)下属上海飞机客户服务有限公司签署《关于开展ARJ21和C919飞机航材支援服务合作的谅解备忘录》。
  • 中外运-敦豪推出全新包装的服务产品——“易速箱”。
  • 中外运-敦豪在北京、上海、杭州、宁波、南京、广州、深圳和东莞等地推出“中美航线一日达”服务。
  • 中外运-敦豪成为2011年金鸡百花电影节指定特快专递服务商,该项合作开始于2001年。

  • DHL announced that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd. (SACS), a subsidiary of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC), to explore cooperation in areas of aviation material support for ARJ21 and C919.

    In April, DHL-Sinotrans launched “DHL Express Easy”.

    DHL-Sinotrans announced the enhancement of its existing Sino-U.S. service in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Dongguan,by reducing transit time from two to one working day.

    DHL-Sinotrans was named the “Official Logistics Partner” of the 20th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, a partnership that dates back to 2001.


  • 中外运-敦豪开通首条成都和香港之间的直航全货机航班,成为首家在成都开通此航线直航全货机的快递公司。
  • DHL快递荣获第26届亚洲货运及供应链大奖(AFSCA)中的“最佳快递运营商”奖项。
  • DHL正式启用其投资1.75亿美元、亚洲最大的快递转运中心——北亚枢纽。

  • In March, DHL-Sinotrans announced the launch of the first direct freighter flight between Chengdu and Hong Kong, making DHL-Sinotrans the first provider of the service in Chengdu.

    DHL Express was awarded the “Best Express Operator” at the 26th Asian Freight & Supply Chain Awards (AFSCA) ceremony.

    DHL launched its North Asia Hub, the biggest hub in Asia with an investment of US$175 million.


  • 中外运敦豪捐款200万人民币,为四川省雅安市20所学校捐建“中外运敦豪?未来空间”教室,配备了现代化多媒体设备、图书角、运动包等。
  • DHL快递在上海北亚枢纽启动国际快递中转集拼业务,成为首家启动此业务的国际快递运营商。
  • 中外运敦豪荣登智联招聘网站评选的“2013最佳雇主30强”榜单以及荣获前程无忧网站评选的“2013中国人力资源典范企业”奖项认可。

  • DHL-Sinotrans donated RMB 2 Million,supported “DHL-Sinotrans Future Space”in 20 schools, equipped with multi-media devices, book corner and sports suppliers.

    DHL Express launched international express hub sorting transshipment service at its North Asia Hub in Shanghai. DHL Express was the first operator approved to conduct international transshipment service in China.

    DHL-Sinotrans was named by zhaopin.com as "Top 30 Best Employers in China" and “Best Corporate HR in China” by 51job.com.


  • DHL运送两只中国大熊猫“好好”和“星徽”赴比利时天堂动物园。
  • DHL和中超联赛有限责任公司在京举行签约仪式,双方共同宣布DHL成为中超联赛官方合作伙伴,合作周期为2014年至2017年。
  • 中外运敦豪第六年荣获由《进出口经理人》杂志颁发的“中国外贸贡献奖”。

  • DHL relocates giant pandas Hao Hao and Xing Hui to Pairi Daiza zoo in Belgium.

    DHL and the Chinese Football Association Super League (CSL) jointly announced that DHL has become an official partner of CSL at a signing ceremony held in the capital. The sponsorship will run from 2014 through 2017.

    For the 6th year in a row, DHL-Sinotrans was awarded "Best Contributor to China's International Trade" by Imp-Exp Executive Magazine.


  • 中外运敦豪携手中国扶贫基金会在云南鲁甸地震灾区鹊落小学正式启动“加油计划”,包括“未来空间”教室的建设及“加油课程”的开展。
  • 中外运敦豪荣获亚太客户关系协会、国际客户管理学院、51 Call Center 等权威机构评出的“中国最佳呼叫中心”“ 中国最佳呼叫中心管理创新奖”等15项大奖。
  • 中外运敦豪荣膺“中国杰出雇主”“ 2015大中华区最佳职场”“ 2015中国年度最佳雇主”3项大奖。
  • 中外运敦豪在深圳CBD地区部署35辆为城市物流量身打造的纯电动派送车,探索绿色物流解决方案。
  • DHL快递宣布从2016年1月1日起,DHL快递中国正式升级为独立区域,直接向DHL快递全球汇报,成为DHL快递在全球的第七大区域。

  • DHL- Sinotrans officially launched its “Cheer-on” project at the Que Luo Primary School in the earthquake-stricken Ludian, Yuannan Provice, partnered with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA). The project included building a brand new “Future Space” classroom and hosting “Cheer-on” course.

    DHL- Sinotrans swept 15 prestigious awards, including Chine Best Call Center, China Call Center Best Management Innovation by APSCS, ICMI and 51 Call Center.

    DHL- Sinotrans was awarded 2015 China Best Employer Award, 2015 “Best Companies to Work For ?in Greater China and Top Employers China 2016.

    In Dec, DHL-Sinotrans pioneered in green logistics by introducing a fleet of 35 battery electric vehicles (BEVs), which are specifically designed for urban logistics, in CBD area, Shenzhen.

    DHL Express officially announced DHL Express China became the seventh region of the network, reporting to DHL Express Global directly, effectively from Jan 1st, 2016.


  • 中外运敦豪北京北部服务中心通过TAPA认证,成为DHL快递在中国第22家获TAPA的A等级认证的服务中心,也是DHL快递亚太网络中第100家荣获TAPA“运输安全要求”认证的服务中心。
  • 中外运敦豪与北京师范大学教育基金会成立“DHL教育发展基金”,该基金首批100万元捐资用于支持偏远地区青少年的教育事业及开展相关的学术研究。
  • 中外运敦豪蝉联“中国杰出雇主”“ 2016大中华区最佳职场”“ 2016中国年度最佳雇主”3项大奖;并摘取“2016年中国最佳雇主”以及“2016年企业幸福指数之2016年最具社会责任感企业奖”。
  • 中外运敦豪在华迎来了30周年庆典仪式。中外运长航集团有限公司董事长赵沪湘、DHL快递首席执行官林经纶、DHL前亚太区首席执行官许克威、中外运敦豪董事总经理吴东明以及与近200名员工齐聚位于北京的中外运敦豪总部大楼,共同庆祝这一里程碑式的历史时刻。

  • Beijing North Service Center of DHL-Sinotrans was certified by TAPA and became DHL Express' the 22th TAPA A-rated service center in China. It is also the 100th service center of DHL Express Asia-Pacific network awarded TAPA "Transport Safety Requirements".

    DHL-Sinotrans and Beijing Normal University Education Foundation officially launched "DHL Education Development Fund", the first batch of funds donated to support the education for young people in remote areas and related academic research.

    DHL-Sinotrans was awarded "Top Employer 2017", "2016 Greater China Best Workplace" and "2016 China Best Employers Award" for the second consecutive year, meanwhile was honored with "Best Employers China in 2016" and " 2016 Most Social Responsible Company Award ".

    DHL-Sinotrans marked its 30th anniversary. Chairman Zhao Huxiang of Sinotrans Changhang Group, Ken Allen, DHL Express CEO, Jerry Hsu, former DHL Asia Pacific CEO, and Wu Dongming, Managing Director of DHL- Sinotrans celebrated this e historical moment together with nearly 200 employees at DHL- Sinotrans Headquarters in Beijing.

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